Friday, September 16, 2011

Being 18 in 1943 would be very different.
Today I woke up at my normal time of 5:07 am.  I am so tired but I know that I need to get up and go to school.  My family thinks it’s important for me to get my education as well so I am able to make more money.  On my long walk to school I start to think, why do women have to become teachers or nurses?  Why can’t we become doctors or maybe even scientists?  I know that those are men’s jobs, but I still like to imagine myself as a doctor, cutting people open and saving their lives.  Not having to sit behind a desk or be in the background but jump to the front of the picture. 
               Sitting in school, I can’t wait to get out of here.  I feel that the time is not ever going to be up.  I can’t stand sitting in this crammed room with the professor talking about how to teach a class.  I don’t want to be a teacher.  I don’t want to sit in a classroom all day, every day for the rest of my life.  I want to be able to be out in the open and be able to move around.  I don’t to sit still all day.  Maybe I should play a sport, be a professional soccer player.  That would be so fun.  Too bad there are no women’s professional sports teams. 

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