Friday, September 16, 2011

Khan Academy

I think that Khan Academy is a good way to teach children.  I feel that by switching the orientation of the class, it gives children a chance to flourish.  I think that doing homework in school is very beneficial to everyone because if they have questions or need help, there is someone there for them.  I think that Mr. Khan has a good point by doing this.  I think that by giving teachers feedback on how well each student is doing is also very good.  I think that giving each student, if needed specific help would help them throughout the school year.  Allowing the students who are finished with each lesson to go ahead is important.  Each student learns at a different pace and this allows that to happen.  I like that the students are able to play games to help them learn as well.   Playing those games keeps the kids focused and paying attention to what they are learning.   Also having the “classroom learning” on short videos is very critical.  The students are more likely to pay attention to short 10-14 minute videos rather than a teacher standing in the front of the room talking for 30-40 minutes.  I think that Khan Academy is a good way for the students to learn. 

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